Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse I go and abandon my blog for 7 months!!!

Alot has changed since my last post...

#1 - I'm no longer pregnant due to having my beautiful little boy Cambell on July 31. He was 9lb 9.5oz - my biggest baby. He is such a great baby. Slept right through from day 1 and has only in the last fortnight started waking once through the night for a little top up...growing boy.

#2 - I am no longer forced to live apart from my wonderful husband. We FINALLY found a house that accomodates our very large family brilliantly. It's a 5 bedder, 2 bathrooms and has a great backyard for the munchkins. Hubby also has a decent size shed to keep his "toys" in.

#3 - I'm an Aunty again. My youngest sister, Belinda had a baby girl (Ciennah) 3 weeks ago and she is just gorgeous. This is Cam and Ciennah >>

#4 - I'm due to be an Aunty AGAIN on Boxing Day...another niece who will no doubt be as cute as my other 2 nieces.

Well, I have been real slack as far as being creative is concerned. The only thing I have made in the last 5 months is one little card. No scrapbook layouts but I really do hope to do something about that soon. Even spent a small fortune of new goodies to try to motivate myself.

I shall sign off now until next time - hopefully alot sooner than 7 months later. xo

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I had a bit of disappointment today! Cris and I found the perfect house for us but alas, our application to rent the property was unsuccessful. I nearly cried when I found out because I really had my heart set on it and I am TOTALLY over living apart from Cris.

When Cris came home last Friday, he came bearing gifts. I have posted a pic so you can all meet "Marvin". He is my second snake and has made a great mate for Jake who is a little bit smaller. He/She is very strong so I havn't yet had a "cuddle".

That's about it from me at this stage. I hope that everyone had a Happy St. Patricks day yesterday ~L~.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy day...

Well, I have spent half of my day preparing some cards for a little "class" type thing that I am doing tomorrow for a ladies group at my church. The cards had to be simple yet still "pretty" and I'm quite happy with the outcome. I will share a little pic...it's made the stamping look horendous though ~L~. You can't tell from the pic but, the middle egg has been foam mounted for that 3D effect. Hopefully everyone will enjoy creating tomorrow.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Coming out of hiding...

OMG! I didn't think that I could be so cruel to my blog...neally 3 months of neglect!!

Well, for those who don't yet know, I am expecting our 5th child now. I am half way along already and due on July 25th. We found out a short while ago that we have another boy on the way and we are so excited.

More news for us is that we are moving shortly - sooner rather than later I hope as at the moment, Cris and I are living apart except for the weekends and I am not coping with this set-up too well at all. I miss him heaps. This move does unfortunately mean another change of schools for the kids after getting settle into a new school at the beginning of the year. Luckily, they are still young, make friends easily and are quite adaptable.

Before I sign off for today, I will share a quick pic with you...

It seems that Rylan has found another use for my Scrap trolley :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

15 Days to go!!

Well, isn't Christmas approaching a bit too fast! I am still "barely" prepared but have the kids stuff so, that is the main thing.

The kids have finished school for the year and I am over the moon with their report cards. Britney (8) got an overall percentage of 99.24%... WOW!! Jayden was good too coming in at around 95% and Cristine didn't get "scored". They are happy to be finished for the year and I think they are quite excited about starting at a new school next year -
it will be totally different for them but I am sure they will do just fine.

Well, in the coming weeks I will be sharing some news with those who visit my blog so, stay tuned.

I've been rather slack in the scrapping department so I have no LO's to share but I have shared one of Rylan's photos with you that I lurve!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I'm still alive :)

I've been neglecting my blog again :( It's such a busy time of the year.

I still havn't done much Christmas present shopping but I did finish my youngest sisters Christmas present. A mini clear album. It was SOOO much fun to make and I'm looking forward to making more. The only thing I don't like about it is the jump rings... they are a bit too big so I will get some smaller ones. I've added a couple of piccie of the album for you to have a lookie :)

I've joined a new scrapbooking forum... Allcraftz 4 U, and I am LOVIN' it! It started off as a store and they've just recently got the forum started. They are a great bunch of girls and sooo friendly and did I mention that the "Queen" (I use that word in a loving way) over there ~E~ is so, so generous!!! Anyway, if you havn't checked out the forum ... check it out and check out the store too - some very great things to be had.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'm back :)

I've made it back on here...Yay for me!

I said I would share some photos from the weekend and I don't like to go back on my word so here they are.
If you look really closely at this 2nd pic, you will see Jayden perched on the rocks looking like he is ready to jump... he didn't. These pics were taken at Cowah Falls which is located inside Landcruiser Mountain Park.